Monday, March 16, 2009


Definition of design: Design is the human power to conceive, plan and realize Product that serve human beings in the accomplishment of any individual or collecting purpose. Another definition is more lively: Design is making things right. Definition of Culture: Culture is symbolic system of values, beliefs and attitudes that shapes influenced Perception and behaviour abstract "mental blueprint".
ANALYSIS (The Body):
In this report I am going to present culture of two different regions which are the
Middle East and European according to architecture, food and clothes. Architecture is
style or design of buildings. In the Middle Eastern there are different styles of buildings
such as mosques, forts and clothes. Middle Eastern design has many beautiful old mosques
are usually very simple buildings. They sometimes have domes and minarate.They rarely
have mosaics. They have arched doors and arched windows. They have crescent moons.
They have verses from the Holy Quran.
The food means something that people, animal or plants take in to their bodies in order to
keep them alive and healthy. People in the Middle East eat rice almost every day. They eat
together in a big tray. Mainly they use their hands for eating food but some people use
spoon and sit in the ground. Clothing worn by all people is influenced by the climate,
available material and traditional culture Which include social status, group identity and
In the Middle East, clothes are different according to the religion. Muslim people
wear clothes that cover the entire body sometimes the hands and face are not covered. The
men should not wear silk or gold in Muslim culture. In Islam women should cover head by
clothes that is called Hijab (scarf) and should wear wide and long clothes. In European
countries there are different styles of buildings. For example the famous building in
European is the Buckingham palace in the U.K. There are two addresses in London that
the whole world knows. One is 10 Downing Street, where the prime Minister of theU.k.
lives and work. The other is Buckingham palace. This famous palace first was built in 1703
which is in the very centre of Landon. It is two palaces, not one. It is a family house, where
children play and 2grow up. It is also the place where presidents, kings and politicians go
to meet the Queen of England.
Buckingham palace is like a small town, with a police station, two post offices, a hospital, a bar, tow sports clubs, a disco, a cinema and a swimming pool. There are 600 rooms and three miles of red carpet. Two men work full time to look after the 300 clocks. About 700 people work in the palace.
In European tradition English breakfast is a very big meal: sausages, bacon, eggs, tomatoes and mushroom. But nowadays many people just have cereal with milk and sugar or toast with marmalade, jam, or honey. Marmalade and jam are not the same. Marmalade is made of oranges and jam are from other fruits. The traditional breakfast drink is tea. Some people have coffee.
For many people lunch is a quick meal. In cities there are a lot of sandwich shops where
office workers can choose the kind of bread they want such as: brown bread, white, or a
roll, and then all sorts of salads and meats or fish to go in the sandwich. School children
can have a hot meal at school but many just take a snack from home, a sandwich, a drink,
some fruits and perhaps some crisps. On Sunday many families have a traditional lunch.,
They have roast meat, either beef, lamb, , chicken or pork with potatoes, vegetables and
gravy. Gravy is a kind of sauce made from the meat juices.
The British like food from other countries too, specially Italian, French, Chinese and Indian. People often get take away meals. People buy the food at the restaurant and then bring it home to eat. Eating in Britain is quite international. Lev’s and other brands of denim jeans became fashionable in Europe in the 1990. Levi’s are now tolerated in many cafes and restaurants during the day. However, regular snacks are much more common as street wear in major cities throughout Europe.

Comparison between these cultures:

There are different styles between the Middle Eastern culture and the European culture.
For example:
Food: In the Middle East people eat rice every day but in European culture people eat junk food.
Architecture: People in the Middle East use different materials and different styles as the European countries.
Clothes: In the Middle East all people wear clothes that cover all body, but in European countries people wear short clothes.

In this report I presented culture of the Middle Eastern countries and the European.
I compared between the Middle Eastern culture and European cultures in three things. food, architecture and clothes. I found every culture has different styles or, design.
I hope you will be benefited from my report.
For More Information /~kdahl /culted f.html

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Gonu Hirrcane in Oman

Gonu Hirrcane in Oman

We are no longer in any part of our Arab free from natural disasters, earthquakes have become accustomed to hitting our cities Arab cities and some regions and countries surrounding us, from time to time.
It may be difficult, at the level of the world, to determine the number of victims of natural disasters and the resulting value of mass accuracy Because of the absence of integrated data, but there are indications that the decrease in losses to the social and economic systems are prone to natural disasters, in general.

Figures can not determine the precise number of human casualties, there are annual variations, but it is about the average, the human body and the spirit of a quarter of a million a year, the share of the third world than ninety-five percent! The floods are the most destructive natural disasters, and associated with approximately 40% of the total mass produced by the various types of natural disasters combined. The largest proportion of the loss of human life - at 20% of the total victims of natural disasters – the hurricane cause it.

Gonu Hirrcane in Oman

On one day, On Junu 4/6/2007 while the weather is quite, suddenlly the weather change and it becomes so black.
The news in the TV and in the newspaper said" there is something will happen in the weather and all the people must be in the house" .The name of this was Gonu hirrcane.

The Gonu hirrcane began hitting the east coast of the Sultanate of Oman, causing waves as high as the freedom of 12 meters and thunderstorms and rain.

Oman has prepared for this rare hurricane and had begun to evacuate residents from the island of Masirah and the head of the eastern limit, and requested the residents of the surrounding areas to move from high-risk areas, especially along the coastal islands, confirming that it will provide them with shelter and food throughout the day the hurricane.

Omani authorities said the hurricane that will affect the country for three days, and declared a state of emergency in the armed forces and police, and published a lot in areas exposed to the expected damage caused by the hurricane.

When it was happen, every thing in the weather was change. Most of the houses were damaged and the wady destroy all the building and the people hurry and scarry. Most of the people said" it is the last day for us on the earth.

After the end of the storm, state television reported today that Oman, 25 people were killed and 26 others were missing in the Sultanate of Oman. Involved a police helicopter in the rescue and relief operations and the search for missing .. The airport was closed in front of Muscat flights were evacuated while more than 20 thousand people in Across the country, according to authorities. The cyclone, which is in the Indian Ocean, hit on the southern coast of Iran

The newspapers reported that the mud and water filled the streets of Muscat, while cars stacked on top of each other by the force of the floods that swept through the Omani capital with the passage of tropical storm along the shores

.The main roads around the damaged home, and cracked many houses in the floods washed away dozens of cars with each other meters and shock damage

Al-Harthi who work in the police said that "rescue operations did not stop," and are in various ways, including the helicopters and boats. The heavy rain started and violent winds since morning hours The first day that plague the coasts of Oman and the North East before moving towards the southern coast of Iran.
Also he said "We evacuated the coastal areas are no longer the situation back to normal yet, we are still waiting for solutions to a second wave of wind might be the most" from the first, noting that residents were asked to stay away from exposed areas".

And the effects of Hurricane fears of the vulnerability of shipping oil through the Strait of Hormuz, through which a quarter of global oil supplies, but there was no information in this regard.

With the return of sunshine to the country dry in most months of the year, residents began returning to the streets to inspect the damage and raise the winds uprooted trees and traffic signs that have been uprooted from its place and the various types of waste, including the television sets and seats

The television quoted an official as saying "We have evacuated about 400 thousand people to the areas within the Country"

Figures can not determine the precise number of human casualties, there are annual variations, but it is about the average, the human body and the spirit of a quarter of a million a year, the share of the third world than ninety-five percent! The floods are the most destructive natural disasters, and associated with approximately 40% of the total mass produced by the various types of natural disasters combined. The largest proportion of the loss of human life - at 20% of the total victims of natural disasters – the hurricane cause it.

However, it is difficult to predict accurately the time of the occurrence of earthquakes, which have been few attempts in this area, has always been a failure.

In general, requires the ability to anticipate any accident that we have the equipment works and the appropriate control, and we have a good knowledge of the causes of the risk that we would like to control, and also has a model of one or several models for the simulation, allowing the sequence of events as a phenomenon at the time and place which will , so that we can deliver the information before a disaster.